Criminals are violent disrupters who destroy lives of good people.

At Armed Safely llc, we are builders of safety toolkits. Our CTEST training helps people build a portfolio of safety tools, from their "tool of first resort", awareness, intuition, and avoidance tactics, to developing escape and lockdown plans, and if necessary how to fight for your life and assist others with traumatic medical aid.

Corporate/Business Training and Security Services

  • Site Risk Assessment

    We take a wholistic approach to our customized risk assessment program. We engage our clients' management teams; learn about their concerns and current threats, and keep that information front-of-mind when we perform our assessment walk-thru. Our reports prioritize and detail breaches,  vulnerabilities, threats, and provide solutions.

  • Comprehensive Traumatic Event Survival Training 

    Nobody likes to hear they are going to have an active shooter drill; and truthfully, we don't like to hear it either. Our program ties in training of awareness, decision making and judgement calls, role play drills, and simulator training. We also include Trauma Medical Aid. Law Enforcement gets to an event as soon as they can, which means YOU AND YOUR EMPLOYEES need to Train to be YOUR own HERO! Your life depends on it!

  • Standard Operating Procedure Manuals

    A manual your company can reference for corporate security training, response to emergencies, preventing active threats, alternatives to managing business in an aftermath of a security breach, and who to turn as a leader for any corporate security risk.

  • Internal Security Team Personnel Evaluations, Qualifiers, Training

    Developing your own internal security team? We can help you determine who is best qualified to be on the team and in what positions; Develop your training curriculum and your bi- yearly qualifiers. We can also help you determine the best approach for your background check needs. 

  • We Train to Our Audience: Civilian v Security Team

    We differentiate ourselves from others in this industry because we train to our audience. A civilian training session needs to be handled with a different approach than when we train security teams. We do not have a militant style. Our training grabs everyone's attention, they engage, and they retain information provided to them. We want to Train Heros; we think it's counterproductive to incite fear. Don't mistake this as being soft, it's being smart. As we like to say: 

    Be Aware
    Be Safe
    Be Trained
    Be Your Own Hero